Slow Food Snail Trail No.134 January 2017

By , January 31, 2017 11:31 am


A visit to Hout Bay

Saturday, 18th February 2017 at 11h00

We’ll visit the Thrive community project at the Hout Bay Valley Nursery and Farmstall in Valley Road, and then go for a pizza and pasta lunch at Massimo’s, Oakhurst Farm Park, Main Rd, Hout Bay.


Thrive works with Hout Bay schools and other learning institutions where, using the 5 Thrive Pillars of sustainability as guidance, mentors help each school take action to reduce their eco footprint and act as a role model to the community.

Thrive’s mentors help schools create an eco team and, together with the permaculture grower, support them to:

• manage waste effectively,
• start and maintain vegetable gardens,
• start and maintain fruit and nut orchards,
• introduce water and energy saving practices and devices
• plant indigenous plants which encourage local species of birds and insects.



At 11h00 Bronwen Lankers-Byrne, Director of the organisation, will tell us about the project, and show us the growing tunnels used for the vegetable-growing project. We’ll be able to buy vegetables grown by the schools, as well as other organic produce stocked by the farmstall. For more details go to the website at and

After this, at about 12h45, we’ll go to Massimo’s for his delicious pizza, pasta and green salad shared lunch. Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements, such as gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan, or if there’s something you dislike, such as anchovies, and Massimo will accommodate you.

Drinks will be for your own account. Massimo has let us know that ‘we can only produce 1 bill for drinks but if it’s not too hectic we will try to cope with individual payments, Saturday lunch time can be a mixed bag. Please let your group know that if they wish to pay by credit card they will have to be patient. Perhaps it would be a good idea to bring cash along for drinks.

The cost of the lunch will be R196 per person for members and R216 per person for guests.

Please let Lorna know the number of members and guests attending the visit and lunch, with the names of your guests, by Monday 13th February 2017.

To book your places, please transfer payment to Cape Town Slow Food at FNB, Grassy Park, code 203109, account number 62023929378. When doing this please put your name as a reference on the transfer statement. Payment will confirm your booking.


Directions to Valley Farmstall, Valley Road, Hout Bay:
Click HERE for an online map.


Slow Wine

Remhoogte wine for sale: Our 2015 harvest has been bottled after spending a year maturing in oak, and is now available to order at R480 per six bottle case. To reserve your wine please transfer multiples of R480 to our account with your name as a reference. Please let Stephen know (), and he will arrange collection or delivery.

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