Slow Food Snail Trail No.144 May 2018

By , May 28, 2018 6:18 pm


Lunch at The Foodbarn, Noordhoek Farm Village

Saturday, 23 June 2018 at 12h30
Noordhoek Farm Village, Corner Village Lane and Noordhoek Main Road 

At The Foodbarn, we serve the food that our Chef Franck Dangereux is famous for… delicious and decadent ‘casual fine-dining’ in a relaxed and characterful old barn“.

Chef Franck Dangeroux offers a three course winter special lunch with paired glasses of wine at a very reasonable price. He does this to make sure that the restaurant is full, to avoid having to lay off staff, and operates at cost during this period. The menu changes every ten days so we are not able at this stage to give it to you.

There will be choices offered for each course and you can choose from the selection on the day. We have made a booking for thirty so hurry to reserve a place if you want to join in the deliciousness. Vegetarian options are always offered as part of the menu. Do go to the website for a glimpse of the current winter menu.


The cost of the three-course meal, including wine and gratuity, is R330 per person for members and R360 per person for guests. Please advise Lorna () if you are coming and an eft to our account will confirm your booking. Bookings are limited to 30 people, and will close on Monday 18 June.

When booking please pay into Cape Town Slow Food at FNB, Grassy Park, code 203109, account number 62023929378. Please pay by EFT, and do not deposit cash or a cheque, as these are very expensive. When doing this please put your name as a reference on the transfer statement. Payment will confirm your booking.

If you cannot pay by EFT, please bring cash to the function, but a booking will render you liable even if you do not come.


The Food Barn is situated at the Noordhoek Farm Village, Corner Village Lane and Noordhoek Main Road.

Click HERE for an online map.


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